Saturday, October 16, 2010

Kill Bill 1

Tarantino, 111m, 2003.

This is a blood splashed revenge drama. Blood spouts like a fountain from a toppling headless torso, or like steam from a locomotive from a back that has been pierced. It rains blood. But is it really blood? It's all sport, bordering on the ludicrous. It is a spoof on movie violence. The director is in command and knows what he is doing and it's actually a roller coaster of entertainment.The dialogs are tongue in cheek imitations of the various stereotypes found in popular genres. It is a satire on cinema and cinema audiences. It is a movie about movies.

One of the high points is the heart-rending, melancholy opening  title song.

Roger Ebert
A O Scott


Just Another Film Buff said...

A terrific film. One of my 10 favorites of last decade...

S. M. Rana said...

Certainly a roller-coaster of non-stop entertainment! Uma Thurman sizzles in every scene! What irrepressible energy and life-force this QT is blessed with!

Anonymous said...

Yes, The movie is exhilarating - I regreted not watching it at theater. It is bloody, but we seldom see the blood served and sprayed in such a stylish way nowadays.

S. M. Rana said...

His light touch makes everything forgivable--look how he handled the holocaust!

Anonymous said...

Plus, if you watch old kung fu films, Tarantino is paying homage to them with his (obviously fake) blood-soaked scenes.

I also regret not seeing this movie in theaters, but I didn't make the same mistake with the second movie, which (I would argue) is even better.

S. M. Rana said...

@ LD

Yeah, KB1 and KB2 make a nice pair, maybe like hand and glove, and hard to say which is which.